Events of the year

Qingdao Famou Machinery Co. , Ltd. was established, specializing in livestock farm equipment EPC


Signed a 2500 sow farm equipment EPC project


Signed a 150,000 heads of fattening plant equipment EPC project


Obtained a number of core product patents


The fiberglass direct fan series products have been successfully developed and certified by the American Bass Laboratory

Future strategy

Qingdao Famou Machinery Co. , Ltd. based on serving the mature domestic EPC livestock and poultry planning projects, business scope covers the world, in the process of international strategic layout, we have laid stress on Southeast Asia, Russia, North and South .

  • 0million ㎡Service pig farm area
  • 0ten thousandService pig farming quantity
  • 0service area
Sustainable Development

“No matter it is a small step, or a big step, we must promote the progress of animal husbandry.” The company not only provides high-quality livestock breeding programs and equipment for global users, but also combines social responsibility with corporate strategy to actively deploy and promote the company's harmonious development with society and environment.

Product Innovation

Based on the technology center and the development trend of the industry, FAMU continuously researches and develops new products, new technologies and new processes, reduce energy consumption, save resources, but also reduce enterprise production costs, make the brand more competitive.


In response to the national"Green Environmental Protection" policy, the overall EPC design includes professional manure treatment technology, the design of livestock farms pay attention to odor, sewage, manure purification, recovery and reuse, to achieve ecological farm, environmental protection, sustainable production, reduce environmental pollution.

International layout

The company implements General Secretary Xi Jin Ping's idea of "building a community with a shared future", and its business is moving towards globalization. It has focused on markets such as Southeast Asia, Russia, North America, and South America

social responsibility

Famu will continue to devote itself to the national development path of green development and rural revitalization, and actively participate in social welfare undertakings; Developing and manufacturing safer, more intelligent, and more environmentally friendly breeding equipment with the spirit of great country craftsmen, utilizing our own resources and technological advantages, formulating a systematic and comprehensive corporate public welfare strategy, actively participating in social public welfare and donation activities, adhering to the spirit of respecting morality and goodness, using responsibility and public welfare to feed society, jointly creating a good social public welfare environment, and contributing to the construction of a socialist modernized country and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

green management

Establish a sound organizational and institutional system for corporate social responsibility work, with safety production, environmental protection, energy conservation and consumption reduction, and comprehensive resource utilization as the most basic responsibilities.

people oriented

The company implements humanized enterprise management, pays attention to employee needs, and encourages and emphasizes employee participation; Respect talents, select talents from multiple dimensions, provide exhibition platforms and opportunities for elite talents, and establish a "learning organization".

Online message

If you have any questions, please fill in the relevant information on this page and submit it, and we will contact you as soon as possible.